Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Massive Expansions in the Brail Industry

The Brail Industry is absolutely booming.  It formerly comprised only practical things like words and numbers, but now it also includes countless other forms of media and entertainment.  

One of the greatest hits has certainly been the new brail porn magazines.  One woman remarked, "Oh that's so naughty!  I can't believe where they put those bumps."  Another man gasped, "Wow, those last couple of  bumps were so fucking hot. Their general proximity got me rock hard."  

Some brail media can even simulate the effects of drugs. Hallucinogenic brail makes the brail druggie feel like he's "tripping the fuck out."

Brail that simulated eating bacon was found to be very popular.  Brail that simulated slow torture, however, was found to be exceptionally unpopular.

The most genius of all of the applications, though, is undoubtedly brail darts.  

People like Emily Hedberg are leaping in joy, jubilantly proclaiming, "I love brail!"  However, there is a darker side to it.   Hedberg told Pressing Issues a secret truth about brail.  She confessed, "I love it, but at times it can be difficult to tell what is brail and what is just bumpy. One time I read a book for an hour only to realize that it was a turtle."  She then admitted it was "right when the story was getting good, too."  

In a related story, a new study shows that, just as eyes get worse at seeing with age, fingertips get worse at feeling brail with age.  Therefore, a new Fingertip Care Industry is on the rise.  

"Is this bump better, or is this bump better?"  Fingertip Physician Dr Jill Ingwall asked a patient.  "Raise your hand the exact moment that you feel the bump."  After this test, patients are even given a little puff of air into their fingertip to check for fingertip diseases.  

With the brail industry doing so well, I guess it proves that anything you can see, you can feel (at least that's what she said).  


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