Monday, July 20, 2009

Boom Mike Operator From Schindler's List to Boom Mike Operate New Film

Boom Mike Operators are not only required to record audio, but additionally must avoid being recorded on video, a multi task few can even fathom fathoming.  This is just what Hank Regan will be doing in his new movie "Listening From Above."

Most of you know Hank from his star role in Schindler's List, an otherwise indie level feature that quickly became a cult favorite due to its out of this world boom mic-ing.  The rest of the staff praised Regan from, quite literally, the shadow of his mike.  Regan decided to give an unkown director by the name of Speilberg a chance in the  picture.   Speilberg was so distracted by the outstanding caliber of the boom mike-ing that he frequently had to fight the urge to shit his pants and ultimately developed IBS.

Throughout the film, Regan held the mike at breakthrough angles with protractor precision - 45 degrees, 50 degrees, you name it.  He once even impaled a leading actor, utilizing his sternum as a support beam to, and I quote, "steady the sound."

"I tell you, when he presses that record button we get chills" Schindler's List writers Thomas Keneally and Steven Zaillan remarked while trembling and struggling to hold their jaws at a normal height.  
It is rumored that the audio quality in Regan's new film will be so high that it won't even register in the average human's brain.  It will end up sounding just like the audio in any other movie.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Are Babies Acting Immaturely?

They're whiney, they poop in their own pants, and they may be in your home.  Across the nation, babies are crying about stupid crap and most of us are wondering, "Why can't they just grow up?"

One parent complained, "I've had this baby for three months, and my neighbor said he did nothing but cry all last week when my wife and I tried to take a nice vacation to Flordia. Imagine what it must have been like for her to listen to seven straight days of hysterical crying. I'm not going to give in and feed him, though.  That only reinforces the idea that this kind of obnoxious behavior works."

While most other types of humans are capable of feeding and dressing themselves, nearly all babies need us to do it for them.  Are they being selfish?  For more, we go to the Pressing Issues conference room.

Wayne Howard:  First of all, to answer your question -  Yes.  Babies are being extremely selfish. My baby wasn't one leg out of his C-Section before he started crying and crying.  

Stuart Handy:  Exactly, I mean, these babies should be grateful that they weren't aborted.   

Leslie Cole:  Honestly, my baby was much, much more peaceful inside of the womb.  Now?  He burps and vomits constantly.  But despite how much worse he is now, a simple abortion procedure at this point is called "murder."  

Stuart Handy:  Mhmm.

Wayne Howard:  I guess the real question is:  What can we do about this problem?

Stuart Handy:  I think "problem" is kind of a euphemism, but okay...
Karen Neary:  What if we rounded them up and put them in some sort of a camp?

Wayne Howard:  I like the spirit of your argument, but I fear it might be too costly - what if there was some way that we could speed up the passage of time?  

Leslie Cole:  I don't know if that's possible, but we could simply treat them like adults to get them to act more like adults.  What if we lowered the drinking age to say, two months?

Karen Neary:  Great idea, but one problem that your going to run into is that there will be a fallout allowing younger communities to get alcohol much more easily.  Studies suggest that if we were to lower the drinking age to two months, there will be a strong spike in the amount of drinking among six-week-olds.

Stuart Handy:  But currently, six-week-olds who are drinking are binge drinkers.  My infant daughter simply spills her apple juice on her face with her mouth open.  Babies like her need to learn responsible drinking habits, and that might mean doing a moderate amount of daily drinking in the five, six-week age range.

Wayne Howard:  Listen, I think we'd all like to see babies showing more responsible alcohol habits, but another thing we need to do is teach them better rhetorical skills.

Stuart Handy:  My baby just "goos" and "gaahs."  I can't get her to construct a full sentence, let alone incorporate dramatic irony into her first words.  

Karen Neary:  Most babies don't even know what a soliloquy is.  We try to teach them.  Do you think they're intentionally ignoring us?  

Leslie Cole:  I do.  Babies are fucking assholes.  

Stuart Handy:  They just don't have any respect.  The other day I was driving, and not only did my baby not equally share the time behind the wheel, but she didn't even offer. 

Wayne Howard:  My baby refuses to shop at regular Gap.  

Stuart Handy:  It's like I told my baby:  If you don't want to get stepped on, stop being so short.   

Shocking New Study Suggests Studies Are Bullshit

Today, a 35 year series of 112 studies was concluded, with its results suggesting that all studies are complete and and utter bullshit. Director of the study, Jonathan Douglas, highlighted a few of the key points of his work.

"90-95% of statistics are completely pointless.  Additionally, four out of five Southeastern Bulgarians feel that race is completely irrelevant in all studies.  And we also found a direct correlation between the various factors in a study not being related and the studies results being bullshit." 

The studies results are already being hailed by psychologists around the world.  Dr. Phil Erikson claimed, "I never used to put much emphasis on studies, but brilliant studies like this have changed my mind.  I'll be using them much more." 

Up until now, there have been many failed attempts to prove that studies are bullshit.  All of those studies were nothing more than pure bullshit.  

Weatherman Predicting Night

Pressing Issues weatherman Isaac Diggory is predicting a 60% chance of night to occur by the end of the day.  He highlighted the areas that will be affected by the meteorological phenomenon, and shockingly, its going to hit basically everywhere in the country.  Night encompasses lack of light and general darkness.  Forewarnings of night include decreasing amounts of sunlight and the passage of time. Diggory claims that such an event hasn't occurred on record since yesterday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Massive Expansions in the Brail Industry

The Brail Industry is absolutely booming.  It formerly comprised only practical things like words and numbers, but now it also includes countless other forms of media and entertainment.  

One of the greatest hits has certainly been the new brail porn magazines.  One woman remarked, "Oh that's so naughty!  I can't believe where they put those bumps."  Another man gasped, "Wow, those last couple of  bumps were so fucking hot. Their general proximity got me rock hard."  

Some brail media can even simulate the effects of drugs. Hallucinogenic brail makes the brail druggie feel like he's "tripping the fuck out."

Brail that simulated eating bacon was found to be very popular.  Brail that simulated slow torture, however, was found to be exceptionally unpopular.

The most genius of all of the applications, though, is undoubtedly brail darts.  

People like Emily Hedberg are leaping in joy, jubilantly proclaiming, "I love brail!"  However, there is a darker side to it.   Hedberg told Pressing Issues a secret truth about brail.  She confessed, "I love it, but at times it can be difficult to tell what is brail and what is just bumpy. One time I read a book for an hour only to realize that it was a turtle."  She then admitted it was "right when the story was getting good, too."  

In a related story, a new study shows that, just as eyes get worse at seeing with age, fingertips get worse at feeling brail with age.  Therefore, a new Fingertip Care Industry is on the rise.  

"Is this bump better, or is this bump better?"  Fingertip Physician Dr Jill Ingwall asked a patient.  "Raise your hand the exact moment that you feel the bump."  After this test, patients are even given a little puff of air into their fingertip to check for fingertip diseases.  

With the brail industry doing so well, I guess it proves that anything you can see, you can feel (at least that's what she said).  


Homework Declared A Performance Enhancing Supplement

All around the nation, students are using and abusing it to get their grades up:  Homework.  Based on its effectiveness, it’s no wonder that it’s become such a widespread epidemic.  A recent study suggests that students who use HGH (Homework, Guidance, and Handouts) before taking tests do 80-90% better than students who went in clean.

Former high school valedictorian Dale Quintin admits to using homework before taking many of his tests.  “I just couldn’t take the pressure,” he pleaded.  “I needed something to give me the edge.”  Quintin will face the Supreme Court in May.  Tentative analysis suggests that he’ll receive a steep jail sentence, but capital punishment certainly hasn’t been ruled out.

There are still a select few students playing by the rules.  Biff Harley is one of them.  “I don’t do homework.  Never have.  I’m not a cheater,” he scoffed, while combing his mohawk and adjusting his brass knuckles.  “Any idiot can do well if they study the material ahead of time, but bullshitting the shit out of an essay question you’ve got no fucking clue about – now that takes talent.”

What many high school and college students don’t realize is that HGH use causes slow, but severe physical impairment.  Across the nation, hospitals are being filled with students suffering from paper cuts and graphite stains on their fingers.  One student even reported developing a callus.  The most tragic case, though, occurred just last week when a student overdosed on Language Arts homework.  While attempting to read hundreds of pages from Huckleberry Finn at 1:00 am, the student lost consciousness.  When paramedics arrived, they realized that the student mixed his Language Arts reading assignment with a Pre-Algebra worksheet.  

“The additive effect between the two is deadly,” a paramedic reported.  “The child was already high on math homework.   The second he introduced Language Arts into his bloodstream he went into Cardiac Arrest.  He’s lucky to be alive.  I mean, I’ve seen some bad drug mixing.  I once resuscitated a person who mixed Vicadin, alcohol, and Heroin - but Pre-Algebra and Language Arts?  Jesus Christ.”

In addition to the immediate danger posed by HGH, the substance is highly addictive.  Homework addict Jimmy Spritz claims there are certain triggers that set off his addiction.  “I can’t sit down in class without jonesing to take some notes.  Around the school there are study groups, which are filled with enablers.  The hardest part, I guess, is that I’ll always be an addict.  All it takes is seeing a number two pencil in the grocery store and next thing you know I’m back on the phone with my dealer buying a trapper keeper’s worth of the most potent homework I can get my hands on.”  

There have been some attempts to educate students on HGH abuse, but they were abruptly put to an end.  It seems that these classes incorporated guidance, handouts, and take home worksheets grotesquely reminiscent of the very homework they sought to end.

The current method being employed to stop HGH use is urine testing.  If even a trace amount of Multiple Choice or Fill in the Blank (street names for various types of HGH) is found in the student’s urine, they are immediately expelled, tried, and often executed.  And if, God forbid, the test detects any amount of True or False in the student’s urine, he or she is immediately given the electric chair without any chance for appeal (even in states where the electric chair is illegal).  

Boy Receives Full Body Amputation

Yesterday, in New Bedford, a fifteen year old boy received a head to toe amputation.  The brave patient, Jason Dolby, had a 30% chance of dying during the procedure, but somehow survived unscathed. 

Jason had to undergo the procedure because he developed very severe pancreatic cancer which later spread into his lymph nodes and throughout his entire body.  The doctor’s only choice was to amputate all of him.  The full body amputation procedure is actually quite simple; no cuts have to be made.  All of Dolby was carried to medical waste and dumped in. 

Dolby’s parents tried to talk to him after the operation, but surgeon Tom Benoit informed them that he wouldn’t be able to talk anymore.

“I’m sorry, Mr. and Mrs. Dolby,” Benoit said,  “but he has no vocal chords or mouth.  Or anything"

“We still love Jason, but it’s almost as though a part of him is missing now,” said Mrs. Dolby.  “He doesn’t really do stuff anymore.  Even basic stuff like being visible and existing.

Dolby now attends a school for full body amputees, taught by full body amputees, which is conveniently small and located basically inside of nothing.